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Beginning March 2023


Die Bilderserie Dysphoria Mundi ist inspiriert von dem gleichnamigen Buch von Paul B. Preciado. Ausgehend von der These, dass der Brand der Kathedrale Notre Dame de Paris den Beginn einer Veränderung unserer Welt darstellt, die sie aus den Angeln hebt. Hier wird dann ausgehend von dem Hamlet Zitat: “The time is out of joint“ auf verschiedene Aspekte des Lebens und der Welt eingegangen, die „out of joint“ geraten. Insgesamt 38 Kapitel sind mit „X is out of joint“ betitelt. Die hier entstandenen Bilder sind alle von den entsprechenden Kapiteln inspiriert. Manche haben einen direkten Bezug zum Text in anderen sind etwas freiere Interpretationen aus dem Erfahrungsschatz des Tigersquirrel Kollektivs. In einem ersten Schritt hat das Tigersquirrel Kollektiv digitale Collagen erstellt. Im zweiten Schriit sollte ein Transfer der Bilder idealerweise auf Materialien erfolgen, die einen Bezug zur brennenden Kathedrale haben. Vorstellbar wären Holzbretter und Balken mit Brandspuren, alte Mauerstücke aus Bruchstein oder verbogene Dachbleche.

Der Soundtrack zur Bildserie kommt von Chilly Gonzales - Il Pleut Sur Notre-Dame (feat. Bonnie Banane).

The series of images Dysphoria Mundi is inspired by the book of the same name by Paul B. Preciado. Based on the thesis that the fire of the Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris represents the beginning of a change in our world that takes it off balance. Here then, starting from the Hamlet quote, "The time is out of joint", various aspects of life and the world that are becoming "out of joint" are addressed. A total of 38 chapters are titled "X is out of joint". The images created here are all inspired by the corresponding chapters. Some have a direct reference to the text in others are somewhat freer interpretations from the experience of the Tigersquirrel collective. In a first step the Tigersquirrel Collective created digital collages. In the second step, a transfer of the images should ideally take place on materials that have a relation to the burning cathedral. Conceivable materials might be wooden boards and beams with burn marks, old pieces of wall made of quarry stone, or bent roof sheets.

The soundtrack to the picture series comes from
Chilly Gonzales - Il Pleut Sur Notre-Dame (feat. Bonnie Banane).

La série d'images Dysphoria Mundi s'inspire du livre éponyme de Paul B. Preciado. Partant de la thèse que l'incendie de la cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris représente le début d'un changement de notre monde qui le fait sortir de ses rails. On y aborde ensuite, à partir de la citation d'Hamlet : "The time is out of joint", différents aspects de la vie et du monde qui "sortent de l'ordinaire". Au total, 38 chapitres sont intitulés "X is out of joint". Les images créées ici sont toutes inspirées par les chapitres correspondants. Certaines ont un lien direct avec le texte, d'autres sont des interprétations un peu plus libres issues de l'expérience du Tigersquirrel Kollektiv. Dans un premier temps, le Tigersquirrel Kollektiv a créé des collages numériques. Dans un deuxième temps, il faudrait idéalement transférer les images sur des matériaux ayant un lien avec la cathédrale en feu. On pourrait imaginer des planches de bois et des poutres portant des traces de brûlures, de vieux morceaux de murs en moellons ou des tôles de toit tordues.

La bande-son de la série de photos est signée 
Chilly Gonzales - Il Pleut Sur Notre-Dame (feat. Bonnie Banane).

La serie de pinturas Dysphoria Mundi se inspira en el libro homónimo de Paul B. Preciado. Se basa en la tesis de que el incendio de la catedral de Notre Dame de París representa el comienzo de un cambio en nuestro mundo que lo está desestabilizando. Partiendo de la cita de Hamlet: "The time is out of joint ", se abordan diversos aspectos de la vida y del mundo que están "desquiciados". Un total de 38 capítulos se titulan "X is out of joint". Las imágenes creadas aquí se inspiran en los capítulos correspondientes. Algunas están directamente relacionadas con el texto, otras son interpretaciones algo más libres de la experiencia del Tigersquirrel Kollektiv. En un primer paso, el Tigersquirrel Kollektiv creó collages digitales. En el segundo paso, lo ideal sería transferir las imágenes a materiales que tuvieran relación con la catedral en llamas. Los materiales concebibles serían tablas y vigas de madera con marcas de quemaduras, viejos trozos de muro de piedra de cantera o chapas de tejado dobladas.

La banda sonora de la serie de imágenes viene de la mano de
Chilly Gonzales - Il Pleut Sur Notre-Dame (feat. Bonnie Banane).

De serie schilderijen Dysphoria Mundi is geïnspireerd op het gelijknamige boek van Paul B. Preciado. Gebaseerd op de stelling dat de brand van de Notre Dame de Paris kathedraal het begin is van een verandering in onze wereld die haar ontwricht. Uitgaande van het citaat van Hamlet: " The time is out of joint ", worden verschillende aspecten van het leven en de wereld behandeld die "uit de voegen zijn". In totaal zijn er 38 hoofdstukken getiteld "X is out of joint". De afbeeldingen die hier zijn gemaakt, zijn allemaal geïnspireerd op de corresponderende hoofdstukken. Sommige zijn direct gerelateerd aan de tekst, andere zijn wat vrijere interpretaties vanuit de ervaring van het Tigersquirrel Kollektiv. In een eerste stap maakte het Tigersquirrel Kollektiv digitale collages. In de tweede stap worden de beelden idealiter overgebracht op materialen die een verband hebben met de brandende kathedraal. Denkbare materialen zijn houten planken en balken met brandplekken, oude stukken muur van breuksteen of gebogen dakplaten.

De soundtrack van de beeldserie komt van
Chilly Gonzales - Il Pleut Sur Notre-Dame (feat. Bonnie Banane).

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  I: Time is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI I Time is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  II: Biopolitics is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI II Biopolitics is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  III: The narrator is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI III The narrator is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  IV: Life is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI IV: Life is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  V: The code is out of joint

The code is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  VI: Sexual difference is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI VI: Sexual difference is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  VII: Identity is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI VII: Identity is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  VIII: Border is out of joint

Dysphoris Mundi VIII Border is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  IX: Surveillance is out of joint

Surveillance is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  X: The modern subject is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI X: The modern subject is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XI: Home is out of joint

DYAPHORIA MUNDI XI Home is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XII: The senses are out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XII: The senses are out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XIII: The car is out of joint

Dysphoria Mundi XIII- The car is out joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XIV: Breath is out of joint

Breath is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XV: Fashion is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XV Fashion is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XVI: Truth is out of joint
DYSPHORIA MUNDI XVI: Truth is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XVII: The ground is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XVII: The ground is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XVIII: The analogic world is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XVIII: the analogic world is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XIX: The body is out of joint

Dysphoria Mundi XIX The body is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XX: The city is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XX The city is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXI: Labor is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXI: Labor is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXII: Society is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXII: Society is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXIII: Animality is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXIII Animality is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXIV: Pain is out of joint

Dysphoria Mundi XXIV Pain is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXV: Citizenship is out of joint

Dysphoria Mundi XXV: Citizenship is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXVI: The organism is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXVI: The organism is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXVII: Death is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXVI: Death is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXVIII: Birth is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUND XXVIIII: Birth is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXIX: The elders are out of joint

Dysphoria Mundi - The elders are out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXX: Mourning is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXX: Mourning is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXI: Reproduction is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXXI: Reproduction is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXII: History is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI History is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXIII: Freedom is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXXIII: Freedom is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXIV: Democracy is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXXIV Democracy is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXV: Translation is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXXV: Translation is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXVI: Inoculation is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXXVI: Inoculation is out of joint

XXXVII: God is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXVII God is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI  XXXVIII: Sex is out of joint

DYSPHORIA MUNDI XXXVIII: Sex is out of joint