
               Ideas                    Art 
Concepts       Dysphoria Mundi  Corona Kunst

The Tigersquirrel Kollektiv is a loose association of fictional characters and real people expressing their creativity. It should be noted that the fictional characters take the lead while the real people remain in the background.

Comments, questions, ideas and orders please send to: tigersquirrel@tigersquirrel.eu

The Tigersquirrel Kollektiv:


inspiration, muse and nut thief of the Kollektiv 
 - tigersquirrel
- always curious and hungry
- came here looking for nuts in a handbag
Golem Hevea y Latón
Golem Hevea y Latón

chief executing tin idiot

of the Kollektiv 
 He came to life in a cellar of the home of the elderly Frank N. Stein and Ingrid van Slaghoorn. By the help of a magic potion, which the couple stole from Professor Schaber-Nack, the chimera of Frank’n Further and Maria from Metropolis awoke. The resulting enormous joy was too much for the old heart of Frank N. Stein and it stopped to beat. 
Nuur Schaber-Nack

Prof.  Mag. Nuur Schaber - Nack
scientific counsellor

of the Kollektiv 
 On a foggy Wednesday afternoon, the tired professor of the invisible University of Ankh Morpork took a nice cup of tea in his sooty tower room. Convinced to have a piece of sugar in his hand, he threw his eraser in the freshly prepared magic solution and drank it all. A wormhole opened and the respectable emeritus of the University disappeared with smoke and sparkles. Alerted by the noise his students only found a fresh cup of tea and a piece of sugar.
Ingrid van Slaghoorn

Ingrid van Slaghoorn
public relations officer

of the Kollektiv
    find me on:
FB      Instagram
- Born in 2628, after a career like a shooting star she became a member of the programme to ameliorate Earth's and mankind's history: Teleotelechronistic Historical Engineering to Optimize the Hyperputerized Implementation of Paleological Programming and Interplanetary Planning (THEOHIPPIP).
- For correction of history she was sent to the dark ages. From there she was banned to our time because of misbehavior (foundation of a fencing fraternity for witches).
- Her attempt to get "back to the future" with the help of a chimera of Frank n'Further and Maria of Metropolis failed so far.
- While she was taken to the prisoner time machine to ban her, a tigersquirrel was looking for nuts in her purse.

Marquis de Mimi

Marquis de Mimi
butler and willing helper

of the Kollektiv 
 - He was sent to the 18th century France by the programme to ameliorate Earth's and mankind's history: Teleotelechronistic Historical Engineering to Optimize the Hyperputerized Implementation of Paleological Programming and Interplanetary Planning (THEOHIPPIP). Later he was deported back for various excesses. For reintegration into society he was subjected to gene and hormone therapy in a closed institution. Before successful completion, he escaped by fleeing into our time. He still has a weakness for French nobility titles.